UTILITAS, FIRMITAS, VENUSTAS, MORALITAS : Los Diez Prólogos de Arquitectura de Vitruvio

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E.T.S. Arquitectura (UPM)



As the title indicates, this dissertation deals with the Ten Prefaces that Vitruvius chose to include in his Ten Books. Studied autonomously from the body of the treatise, these forewords unveil Vitruvius’ concern with Moral Philosophy both as an architect and as a theorist. Vitruvius’ ethical approach has somehow remained as an implicit or secondary aspect of his work. The concept of Moralitas emerges now as a clear addition to his well-known three principles, lending a universal character to De Architectura - which should not be labelled just as a treaty on classical architecture but as a classic of architecture. We reached Vitruvius after long research on prefaces to architectural treatises between the XVI and XVIII Centuries - and specifically those written by the authors themselves. In these treatises Vitruvius is almost invariably present, at times prominently and at times as a silent guest. Confronting his own works brought a sudden burst of light. Within his ten prefaces we are dazzled to find the first record of an ethical code for architects, the first bibliography on Greco-Latin architecture, the keys to what makes a building socially successful. It is only fair that posterity rewarded Vitruvius for his generous approach to our profession. Amazingly, nothing is known about the man Vitruvius – other than what he wrote in his prefaces. These texts are meant to dignify architecture, addressed to good and bad architects as well as to the end users that enjoy it, manage it, or suffer it. He conveys his lessons through positive or negative examples to show us what is right and what is not. With the passage of time, these prefaces have been the subject of endless erudition and scholar speculation, sometimes suffocating their message. Following his advocates and translators, we have researched through layers of literature spread across centuries, separating conjectures from certainties to reach the original source - Vitruvius’ own words. Liberating the prefaces from the books, the present work aims to analyse and bring forward those words from an architectural rather than a philological perspective. Our contribution aims to make apparent the timeless relevance and the universal value of the message put forward in Viruvius´ prefaces by means of seven exemplary tales, a journey through time in search of lost sources, an illustrated lesson on mathematics and an account of the publishing guidelines making De Architectura the only ancient treatise that has survived through the depths of time. ----------RESUMEN---------- Como avanza su título, esta tesis doctoral está dedicada a los Diez Prólogos con los que Vitruvio acompañó a sus Diez Libros. Su estudio, desvinculado de la doctrina del tratado, nos ha reportado la Filosofía Moral del Vitruvio arquitecto y la del tratadista. Cobra cuerpo la Moralitas, que se suma naturalmente a la tríada vitruviana -a la que hasta ahora solo había secundado tácitamente-, universalizando el De Architectura, que pasa de ser un tratado de arquitectura clásica a un clásico de la arquitectura. Llegamos a Vitruvio indefectiblemente, al término de una dilatada investigación sobre los proemios de autor de la tratadística del siglo XVI al XVIII, donde invariablemente asistía como invitado de honor o convidado de piedra. Deslumbra encontrar entre sus Diez Prólogos la primera deontología del oficio, la única bibliografía conservada de arquitectura grecolatina, los ingredientes que distinguen una arquitectura edificada de una edificante o el talismán de la posteridad como resultado de su generoso compromiso con la profesión. No se sabe nada de la persona de Vitruvio más allá de lo que nos legó en sus Diez Prólogos. Con el tiempo, se les ha colmado de erudición histórica y especulativa, sofocando en buena medida su contenido y su valor como activo. Son textos vigentes y útiles que dignifican la arquitectura, dirigidos a los arquitectos buenos y malos que la ejercen y a los ciudadanos que la disfrutan, la gestionan y la padecen; aleccionando con moralejas y con la fórmula infalible de predicar con el ejemplo. De la mano de sus exégetas y traductores, hemos desbrozado siglos de literatura superpuesta, sorteando conjeturas y subrayando certezas. El objetivo de este análisis es redescubrirlos y divulgarlos desde una perspectiva arquitectónica, no filológica, dando prioridad a la fuente primigenia, su palabra. Nuestra aportación aspira a dejar constancia de la universalidad y atemporalidad del mensaje de los Diez Prólogos a través de siete cuentos ejemplares, un viaje en el tiempo a las fuentes perdidas, una lección de matemática ilustrada y el decálogo de las claves editoriales del único tratado de arquitectura superviviente de la noche de los tiempos.





